Illuminate Bognor

Bognor Regis Seafront

22 Aug 25<>

Illuminate Bognor Regis and Seafront funair August Bank Holiday weeken

The August Bank Holiday is here so that means its time to have fun at the seafront funfair from Friday onwards all weekend.

On Saturday Bognor Regis Seafront Lights will again present their amazing ILLUMINATE BOGNOR REGIS night time walking procession, leaving London Road Car Park at 8.30 pm and finishing on the seafront with fireworks from the Pier at 10pm.  Monies raised at this event will go towards supplying and maintaining the towns fabulous Seafront Lights. 

Whilst supported by Bognor Regis Town Council, this event is not organise by us. 

Event details are correct at the time of going to print but all events may be subject to change and subject to land permissions from Arun District Council