Thank you for visiting our 'Planning' section.  Most of the information found here is accessible elsewhere on our website but for ease of reference has been combined in this section. 

The Town Council is a statutory consultee on all Planning Applications within the five Wards of Bognor Regis. This means that the Town Council must be consulted by the Local Planning Authority (Arun District Council) before coming to a decision.  Most Planning Applications have a 21 day public consultation period, when the public and interested parties can make representations about the application. The Town Council's Planning and Licensing Committee meet approximately every three weeks to consider applications within the 21 day public consultation period.  

Once the 21 day public consultation period is over, the Case Officer at Arun District Council will make a recommendation.  Before making the recommendation Arun's Case Officer will visit the site, consider the consultation responses and all other planning issues.  At this point it will be determined whether the decision should be delegated to Officers at Arun or be considered at the District Council's Planning Committee Meeting.  Further information on this process can be found here. 

As the Local Planning Authority, Arun District Council has a wealth of planning information available on their website:, including contact details for the Planning Team. 

Additionally, the documents below may be of interest: