To enquire about booking our award-winning Town Crier for an event, please click HERE for further information.

To complete a booking form, please click HERE.


Bognor Regis Hosts Town Crier Competition!




On Saturday 22nd June 2024, Bognor Regis Town Council hosted its second Town Crier Competition, following the success of the inaugural competition in 2022. Once again taking place at the beautiful seafront bandstand, Town Crier’s came from far and wide to take part!

Hosted by Bognor Regis Town Crier, Jane Smith, crowds gathered on the seafront to witness the fantastic spectacle of 14 Criers, dressed in their colourful regalia, proclaiming proudly about their hometown, during the first round, and ‘something important to them’ for the second round.

Competitors were marked on the accuracy of their cries, as well as their diction, inflection, volume and clarity and content, with prizes also awarded for the ‘Best Dressed Crier’ (which was a very close call indeed!)

Awards were presented, following the competition, at The Town Hall, by the Mayor Cllr. Miss Claire Needs and the Bognor Regis Town Crier.

Winners of the Competition were as follows:

1st Place (and Best Dressed) - John Griffith from Sleaford
2nd Place - Mark Wylie from Calne
3rd Place - John Bartholomew from Bexhill-On-Sea
Best Content - David Green from Torpoint

Jane Smith, Bognor Regis Town Crier said of the event “We had a fantastic day, and it was an absolute pleasure to host and introduce to Bognor Regis, our amazing Town Crier’s who all do a wonderful job of representing their hometowns. Thank you to all who came to take part, those who watched us on the seafront and everyone involved in putting this together. A great time was had by all!”

Bognor Regis Town Council would like to thank the competition judges; Stevie Jones and Eve Hunter, Carole Brett and John Barrett, Jonathan Smith, Alan Spencer and Gary Edgington MBE.

A special thank you to the Mayor’s Cadet AC Ashley Wightwick-Hotston, our Town Force team, Town Council staff and Councillors and Alan Barber for his photography.

Thank you to the Bognor Regis Concert Band, Darrell Hardy (Whittington’s Bandstand Seafront Kiosk), Arun District Council, Dawnie’s Bakery, Arundel Trophies and Engravers and of course the RAFA Branch 381 and everyone involved in the organisation of the Bognor Regis Armed Forces Day event.

A final thank you to everyone who came to enjoy the occasion and of course the wonderful Town Crier’s who came to take part, we look forward to welcoming them back for another competition very soon!

 See a selection of photos below (courtesy of Alan Barber) and visit our Facebook page for even more by clicking HERE


Town Crier declared 'Best Ambassador for Town'


At the recent Armada Cup Town Crier Competition, which took place over three days in Plymouth, Kingsbridge and Dartmouth, our Bognor Regis Town Crier proudly received the prestigious 'Bob Kerswell Memorial Cup' for being the 'Best Ambassador' for her Town.


Jane was presented with the award in front of her fellow band of Town Criers, for her outstanding representation of Bognor Regis, all around the Country, including of course, in recognition of her involvement in the Late Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations last year.


We certainly agree that Jane is a fantastic ambassador for our seaside Town, and it's wonderful that others obviously agree!


Congratulations once again to our Bognor Regis Town Crier, we are so proud to call her 'ours'!


Another 'Best Dressed' title - Chard Town Crier Competition 2023

Jane was delighted to take part in the inaugural Chard Town Crier Competition last week, and was one of 16 Criers, along with their Consorts competing in a series of competitive categories. 

In another proud moment for Bognor Regis Town Council, Jane once again took home an award for the ‘Best Dressed Town Crier’.

Having made the livery herself, these accolades are always particularly pleasing to Jane.

On this occasion, the winners of the ‘Best Dress Couple’, also had their livery made by our Bognor Regis Town Crier - making it a double win for her!!

Jane has made herself a ‘regular’ at Competitions of the Ancient & Honourable Guild of Town Criers, ensuring Bognor Regis is represented all around the Country!

Well done Jane for this latest achievement and long may it continue!!

Celebrating the Coronation Weekend!

Our Town Crier, along with the Mayor, led the celebrations for the Coronation Concert & Big Lunch event held at Hotham Park over the Bank Holiday weekend. 

Opening the afternoon's entertainment with the official Town Crier Proclamation, to mark the Coronation of King Charles III, Jane compered the afternoon's events, which included live music performances, children's entertainment and a big screen showing of everyone's favourite bear - 'Paddington'!

With the sun beaming down on Hotham Park, the crowds gathered to enjoy their picnics with many staying on into the evening to witness the live broadcasting of the Coronation Concert from Windsor Castle!

A fabulous day all round... Bognor Regis certainly knows how to put on a party!!! 




Town Crier invited to Westminster to read Commonwealth Proclamation

With the Lord Mayor of Westminster, Cllr Hamza Taouzzale  

We are very proud of our Bognor Regis Town Crier, who was invited to read the Commonwealth Day Proclamation outside Westminster City Hall, alongside the Lord Mayor of Westminster on Monday 13th March 2023.


Written by Jane herself, she was amongst Town Criers across most of the 77 Cities in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, who took part in this 'cry', celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Late Queen signing the Commonwealth Charter!


As we are not a City, we were delighted to loan our ever popular Town Crier to the City of Westminster - for one day only!


Continuing to make Bognor Regis proud! Happy Commonwealth Day!




Town Crier enjoys weekend of 'Festive Fun' in Bognor Regis!

Christmas is coming to Bognor Regis and its been a busy weekend for the Town Crier! 

Attending the Ice Rink Opening on Friday 25th November, alongside the Town Mayor and Vice-Chairman of ADC, Jane couldn't resist taking to the ice for some photos!

Saturday 26th November saw the Town Council's 'Big Switch at 6' featuring this year's brand new Christmas illuminations! Following the countdown, the Town Crier, along with Town Mayor and cast of this year's Alexandra Theatre Pantomime 'Beauty and the Beast', officially switched on the lights, adorning the streets with sparkle and festivity!

Our Town Crier invited to meet His Majesty King Charles III

Bognor Regis Town Council are brimming with pride to announce, that in recognition of her involvement in Her Late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, our Bognor Regis Town Crier, Mrs Jane Smith, was invited to meet His Majesty The King, and other members of the Royal Family, at a Reception held at Windsor Castle on Tuesday 15th November 2022.

Jane wrote the official Proclamation, for the Late Queen's Platinum Jubilee, which, on Thursday 2nd June 2022, was read by over 210 Criers across the UK and Commonwealth. 

On the immense honour of meeting His Majesty King Charles III, Jane has said:

"What a very gracious and genuine man The King is - and for that moment in time, when we were talking to each other, I was the most important person in the room.  When you think of the thousands of people he must speak to all the time, to make each person feel like that is an absolute art. Thank you your Majesty."

On behalf of all at Bognor Regis Town Council, we send our congratulations to Jane and sincere thanks for all that she does to represent our Town of Bognor Regis. 







'Best Dressed' yet again, at the 69th Hasting's Town Crier Championships!

Our Bognor Regis Town Crier celebrated another success over the weekend, at the 69th National Town Crier Championships in Hastings.

Competing against 14 other fantastic Town Crier's, we were delighted to hear that Jane managed to defend her title of 'Best Dressed Town Crier'. 

This is the 3rd time in 5 years Jane has held the title - quite an amazing achievement indeed!

On behalf of all here at Bognor Regis Town Council, and I'm sure, the residents of Bognor Regis, CONGRATULATIONS Jane on another wonderful accolade!




Town Crier's visit to The Lord Byron College- Italy!


Our Bognor Regis Town Crier was given the great honour of being personally invited to Italy last month, to participate in a three-day celebratory event for the 50th Anniversary of the prestigious Lord Byron College, Private School of English.

Having heard of her successes over recent months, the College organising committee contacted Jane, to ask her to take part in this important event- the only Town Crier internationally to be represented.

Joined on the trip by the Right Worshipful Mayor of Westminster, Jane was an integral part of the celebrations, including the Closing Ceremony and Grand Parade.

Here’s a selection of photos from what Jane herself has described as “a busy but extremely enjoyable trip, throughout which I was honoured to be representing our little Town of Sunniest Bognor Regis!”












The Proclamation of the Accession

 At 4.30pm on Sunday 11th September 2022, members of the community came together to hear the reading of the Proclamation of King Charles III, as our new Monarch. The Town Mayor read the the Proclamation to the crowds who had gathered outside Bognor Regis Town Hall, which also included Town Councillors, Town Council staff and our local MP. Partaking in proceedings was the Bognor Regis Town Crier, Bognor Regis Sea Cadet representative Cadet William Hardy and Gary Edgington MBE Commanding Officer. We were honoured to joined by Majors Matt and Sarah Butler, who offered words of comfort and by the Bognor Regis Salvation Army Band, who played a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem. A video of the Proclamation can be viewed on the Town Council Facebook page HERE.



Floral tribute photo by Melinda Matthews

Town Crier at GB International Va'a Federation World Sprints 2022

Our Town Crier picks up 'Best Dressed' at Armada Cup Competition!

And it's another emphatic win for our wonderful Bognor Regis Town Crier, Jane!

Having taken part in the prestigious Armada Cup Town Crier Competition, which see Town Crier's from across the land compete over a three-day event, Jane was deservedly so awarded the prize for 'Best Dressed'. An accolade which is made even more deserving, considering Jane also made her own livery!

Jane and her fellow Criers, took over the Town's of Plymouth, Kingsbridge and Dartmouth, in this the latest Town Crier competition for 2022!

On this latest accolade, Jane said "There really was some excellent crying and very stiff competition. All of the venues were brilliant performances areas. It was my absolute pleasure to be able to represent our little town of Sunniest Bognor Regis once again!"

On behalf of all at the Town Council and I'm sure, our fellow residents, a big congratulations Jane and thank you for all you continue to do for Bognor Regis!


Bognor Regis Hosts 'Guild Championship' Town Crier Competition!

On Saturday 18th June Bognor Regis Town Council hosted its first Town Crier Competition, which also happened to be the Guild Championship of the Ancient & Honourable Guild of Town Criers. 

Taking place at the seafront bandstand, Town Crier’s from across the land (and even as far as Canada), gathered in Bognor Regis to compete for a spectacular array of Guild trophies!

Hosted by Bognor Regis’ very own Platinum Jubilee proclamation writing Town Crier, Mrs Jane Smith, crowds gathered on the seafront to witness some fabulous cries from some spectacular Town Criers.

Competitors were marked on the accuracy of their cries, as well as their diction, inflection, volume and clarity, content and there were also prizes for the ‘Best Dressed Crier’ and ‘Best Dressed Couple’.

Awards were presented, following the competition, at The Regis Centre by the Town Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr. John Barrett and Ms. Carole Brett.

A big congratulations to all the winners, including John Collingwood, Town Crier for Bridport, who took home the cup for 1st place!

Jane Smith, Bognor Regis Town Crier said of the event “The Town Criers, without exception, were thrilled by the venue and the wonderful hospitality along with the Town Council’s superb organisation. I would like to give thanks to our wonderful judges for giving their time and to all our generous sponsors. All in all - a fantastic weekend!”

Bognor Regis Town Council would like to thank Hazel Latus BEM, Gary Edgington MBE, Danny Dawes and Stevie Jones (Grandad’s Front Room), Lou-Lou Arram (‘Vintage by Lou-Lou’), Sarah Boote-Cook (Carnival Association), Jonathan Smith and Geoff Davis for judging the competition.

Thanks also to the Mayor’s Cadet AC Amy Wales, Town Force and Town Council staff and Councillors, Paul Wells and Alan Barber for their photography and of course, the sponsors of the competition:

Whittingtons Bandstand Seafront Kiosk

Bognor Regis Afternoon's WI

Bognor Shopmobility

The Regis Centre

RAFA Branch 381 (and everyone involved in the organisation of the Bognor Regis Armed Forces Day event).

Bognor Regis Town Council looks forward to welcoming the Criers back for another competition very soon!

For a photo slideshow of the competition, click HERE





Bognor Regis Town Crier reads her Proclamation for the Platinum Jubilee!


At 2.00pm on Thursday 2nd June 2022, Mrs Jane Smith, Town Crier of Bognor Regis, read aloud the Proclamation she wrote, for the beacon lighting as part of The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.

 A large crowd of proud 'Bognorians' gathered at the Bognor Regis seafront bandstand to witness this historic and momentous occasion for Jane, the Town Council and residents of our wonderful Town.

Along with over 210 Criers from across the UK and Commonwealth, Jane delivered with pride  a moving and rousing rendition of her Proclamation.

 If you missed it or would like to witness Jane 'in action' again, click HERE for the Proclamation in full.

Congratulations Jane from all at Bognor Regis Town Council and thank you for being such an amazing advocate of our Town!


Queen's Platinum Jubilee Proclamation - by our Town Crier!

Further to our recent announcement that our very own Bognor Regis Town Crier, Mrs Jane Smith has written the Town Crier Proclamation for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, we are now pleased to announce that the official 'Guide to Taking Part' in the weekend of Celebrations for this momentous event, is now available to view and download from: queensjubileebeacons.com 

The Guide will be updated at the end of every month, to include any relevant updates and further information, as more local communities, individuals and organisations register to take part.

On 2nd June 2022 at 2pm, Our wonderful Town Crier, along with 145 other Criers throughout the United Kingdom and around the Commonwealth will be reading our Jane's proclamation - and we couldn't be prouder!

Town Crier invited to London for arrival of Commonwealth Globe!



Bognor Regis Town Council were once again full or pride and admiration, as our wonderful Town Crier, Jane, was personally invited to attend the Tower of London Ceremony for the arrival of the Commonwealth Globe, for safe keeping at the White Tower, until the lighting on the Principal Beacon on June 2nd.

On attending the Ceremony, Jane said "It was an honour to be invited to such a prestigious, and once in a lifetime event. As well as some of the fantastic people I had the chance to meet, it was also great to see the National Air Cadet Band marching the Globe of Nations in. What an experience!"

Be sure to come along to the lighting of Bognor Regis' own Beacon on 2nd June, as part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations and to hear Jane read aloud the Proclamation she wrote for this very special event!


Bognor Regis Town Crier Wins 'Best Dressed'

A MASSIVE Congratulations to Jane, who took home the 'Best Dressed Town Crier' prize at the 68th National Town Crier' Competition in Hastings, over the weekend!

Four year's on from last winning this coveted prize at her first Town Crier Competition, Jane was delighted to be named 'Best Dressed' once again!

On behalf of all at Bognor Regis Town Council, thank you Jane for continuing to do Bognor Regis proud!!

If you'd like to book our award winning Town Crier for an event, please contact the Town Crier's Secretary by emailing: rebeccavervecken@bognorregis.gov.uk or by calling: 01243 867744



Ilminster Town Crier Competiton 2021!

It was fantastic to see our Town Crier, Jane Smith representing Bognor Regis at Town Crier competitions again! On Saturday 18th September, Jane took part in one of the largest competitions of its kind in the country - Ilminster! Parading from Ilminster Arts Centre to the Market Square, the streets were awash with colour and noise! Everyone at Bognor Regis Town Council wishes Jane all the best for the rest of the 2021 season! Here are a few photos from a truly enjoyable day: 


Original Pearly King's and Queen's Harvest Festival 2021!

What an honour for our Jane to have been asked to appear for a second time, at the Original Pearly King's and Queen's Harvest Festival! Back for 2021, Jane was asked to indicate the start of the Festival and special Service (which also included a Christening!), with a rousing 'cry' outside the Saint Martin- in the-Fields Church, Trafalgar Square. Surrounded by Pearly King's and Queen's donned in their traditional buttons and pearls, visitors in London for the London Marathon would have most certainly been bedazzled at their site! A big thank you to the Original Pearly King's and Queen's for inviting Jane and to our lady Town Crier herself for continuing to ensure Bognor Regis is firmly on the map!

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Beacons

Bognor Regis Town Crier joins the Official Pearly Kings & Queens for 'Harvest Festival'

 It is with great pride that our Jane was asked to attend the official Pearly Kings and Queens Harvest Festival on 6th October 2019.

With an array of Pearly royalty behind her, Jane performed her cry in Trafalgar Square, to invite visitors to attend the prestigious Harvest Service.

Congratulations to Jane for this amazing opportunity to promote and show off our fabulous Town Crier and even more importantly- our Town too! 




Bognor Regis Town Crier has a busy month in May!


Town Crier in May




Town Crier  

Town Crier 

Bognor Regis Town Criers inspires Salisbury City Council

It is with great pride that we can announce our very own Bognor Regis Town Crier was asked by Salisbury City Council to spread the word, exhibit her talents, and encourage future Town Criers to apply for the post of Salisbury Town Crier. Such a compliment that our Town Crier is considered by other councils to be a shining example  

Town Crier in Salisbury

Bognor Regis Town Crier

Bognor Regis Town Crier

65th National Town Crier's Competition - October 2017

The National Town Criers' Championship is the oldest Town Criers' competition in the country and is organised by Hastings Borough Council. This year the performances of the Town Criers was judged on clarity, diction, inflection and volume. Entrants were also judged for their fit of costume, bearing and overall appearance and it was our Jane that was presented, by the mayor of Hastings, with the trophy for Best Dressed Town Crier. Many congratulations to Jane on a winning success after only three month into the role - you have done the town of Bognor Regis proud! 

jane smith being handed her trophy


jane smith

Bognor Regis Town Council appoint a Town Crier - July 2017

The Town Council are pleased to announce that Mrs Jane Smith has been appointed to the honorary role of Town Crier for Bognor Regis. Applicants to the role were interviewed at the Town Hall, by a panel comprising of Members and Officers from the Town Council, at which a trial cry was performed. Jane's inaugural appearance was at the Town Council organised 'A Drive Through Time' event held in West Park on Sunday 16th July 2017.

History of Town Criers in the United Kingdom 
The town crier, or bellman, can be traced back to medieval times when they were the main method used in communicating news with the people of the town, since many of them could neither read or write. Royal proclamations, local bylaws, market days, latest news and any other important information were all proclaimed by a town crier throughout the centuries. However, proclaiming the news was not their only role. Historically town criers also patrolled the streets at night, acting as peace keepers and arresting wrongdoers, whereupon the town crier would take these rogues to the stocks for punishment. Town criers were protected by law as anything they did was done in the name of the monarch and, therefore, to harm a town crier was considered treason. This was a necessary safeguard to protect the town crier who sometimes had to deliver unwelcome news such as tax increases. The saying "don't shoot the messenger" was a real command! 

"Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!"
Usually seen carrying a large handbell, to attract people's attention, the town crier begins each cry with the words "Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!". 'Oyez' (pronounced 'oh yay') comes from the French ouir ('to listen') and means "Hear ye". The cry would then end with the words 'God save the King' or 'God save the Queen'. Having read out the message to the townspeople, the town crier would then attach it to the door post of the local inn. The term 'posting a notice' comes from this act and is the reason why many newspapers are often called 'The Post'. 


town crier bell


Jane is available to attend a range of events including coffee mornings, fetes, festivals and parades. The role of Town Crier is a voluntary one and no personal allowance is received by the postholder from the Town Council.

Individuals/Organisations wishing to benefit from the services of the Town Crier are asked to contribute towards out-of-pocket expenses. Bookings within the six wards of Bognor Regis will be charged £20 plus VAT, payable in advance, to cover travel expenses and administration costs. Events outside of the six wards will incur an additional charge to cover travel expenses to locations further away.

If the event requires Town Crier services for over 1 hour then an attendance fee of £20 for each additional hour will be payable, in cash, on the day of the event. For events that are free for the public to attend, and that raise the profile of Bognor Regis , the attendance fee may be waived. However, the administration charge will still be payable.

Print a copy of the booking form here. Terms & Conditions can be found here.

Follow the Bognor Regis Town Crier on Facebook.