Grant Aid 2025 - NOW OPEN

Every year the Town Council distributes its Grant Aid.

The aim of the Town Council’s Grants Scheme is to promote a vibrant and active community in Bognor Regis. The scheme recognises and supports the valuable contribution made by the voluntary sector to the well-being of the community. It provides financial support for community organisations working for the benefit of residents, with the intention of improving the range of services and activities in the town. Whilst wishing to support such groups, the Town Council is also keen to encourage groups to work towards becoming largely self-sufficient, with it evident that efforts are made to raise money through fundraising activities. Furthermore, we seek to work in partnership with organisations who actively support the Town Council in their aims and objectives, and the work that it carries out.                                                                                              

  The Town Council has agreed the following main priorities for 2024-2028 and organisations are required to show how their application would meet these:

1.  Build on the heritage and history of Bognor Regis in promoting business, cultural, and artistic activities and events to make Bognor              Regis a great place to live, work, study and visit. Using our resources, coupled with partners, to develop artistic and cultural                        activities and events to create economic benefits.

2.  Work with partners to manage environmental impacts on Bognor Regis to make the Town as sustainable as possible.

3.  Work to enable residents and community groups to live well and enjoy and take pride in our Town.

4.  Work to remove barriers to enterprise within the Town.

5.  Ensure that Bognor Regis is a great place to grow up in, with support for parents and young people.

Grant Aid 2025 is now OPEN to applications. All applications must be submitted electronically and received by the Town Council by no later than 5pm on Thursday 14th November 2024. Qualifying applications will be presented to the Policy and Resources Committee, for consideration, at their Grant Aid Meeting to be held in January 2025. Decisions taken by the Committee at the meeting will be publicly available once the Minutes of the meeting have been published. Successful applicants will be informed in writing following the meeting, and funding will be made available in April 2025.

Grant Aid 2025 Application Pack (please download, complete, save and
return all documents electronically) OPEN FOR 2025 APPLICATIONS






Grant Aid 2024

On Wednesday 27th March, the Town Council held its latest Civic Reception, at 'Seasons', Bognor Regis Town Football Club.

Hosted by the Mayor, Cllr Francis Oppler, the evening was attended by over 100 invited guests, including local dignitaries, Town Councillors and representatives from organisations and charities, many of whom accepted cheques, following this year's round of Grant Aid applications.

The aim of the Grant Aid scheme is to promote a vibrant and active community in Bognor Regis. The scheme recognises and supports the valuable contribution made by the voluntary sector to the well-being of the community. It provides financial support for community organisations working for the benefit of residents, with the intention of improving the range of services and activities in the town.

A big congratulations to all the worthy recipients. 







Following the 2023 round of Grant Aid Funding, the Town Council were delighted to hear how their financial contributions to the successful Grant Aid applicants were received, and how the funding helped the various organisations and charities achieve their goals, for the betterment of Bognor Regis. 

Click HERE to view the full slideshow of feedback received.   


Grant Aid 2023

The Town Council were delighted to hold the annual 'Civic Reception' on Tuesday 28 March 2023, at Butlin's Shoreline Conference Centre. This special occasion in part, serves as a 'thank you' to the many local charities and organisations, who strive to make Bognor Regis a better place for its residents and visitors alike.

The evening is also where traditionally, the Town Council awards its Grant Aid funding, and this year was no different. Representatives from each of this year's successful applicants were invited to collect their cheques, which totalled just under £40,000, funded by the Town Council.

Congratulations to all this year's successful applicants!




Each year the Town Council awards Grant Aid funding to various applicants, with the aim of helping these charities and organisations to promote a vibrant and active community in Bognor Regis as well as improving the wellbeing of and services available to our residents.
Following the 2022 round of funding, which was awarded to successful applicants earlier this year, we are delighted to have received some feedback on how the grants from the Town Council have helped these charities and organisations achieve their goals.


Click HERE to view the full slideshow of feedback received. 



Grant Aid 2022

Huge congratulations to all the worthy organisations and charities who were chosen as recipients of the 2022 Grant Aid Award.

The successful applicants were presented with their cheques at the Town Council's  Civic Reception, at Butlins on Wednesday 6th April 2022.

It is hoped that these monies will help the recipients to continue to improve the range of services and activities available in Bognor Regis, which ultimately benefits our visiting tourists, and most importantly, our residents. 


Former Town Mayor, Cllr Steve Goodheart and his Mayoress, Mrs Andrea Goodheart hosted the evening, with dignitaries present including the High Sheriff of West Sussex, Mr Neil Hart, the Vice-Chairman of West Sussex County Council, the Chairman of Arun District Council,  amongst many other local Mayor’s and Chairmen, Bognor Regis Town Councillors, the Mayor’s Cadet  and Bognor Regis Town Crier, Mrs Jane Smith.

As well as handing out the Grant Aid cheques, the Mayor presented his Mayor’s Good Citizen Award to Danny Dawes, of Grandad’s Front Room, for his immense service to the Town and the Young Citizen’s Award 2022 was awarded to Danny’s son, Czarli Tyrolczyk-Dawes, for his work as a young carer and to the community.

Featuring a raffle to raise funds for the Mayor’s chosen charities; Rox Music & Arts Charity and HFT, as well as a musical interlude from The Regis Jazz Band, the evening was extremely enjoyable.

Congratulations again to all the winners. 



Mayor's Civic Reception - Grant Aid 2020

Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of Coronavirus, the Mayor's Civic Reception that was planned to take place in March 2020 had to be postponed.  Arrangements are being made to host this event at a later date. 

Mayor's Civic Reception - Grant Aid 2019


Thursday 28th March 2019 saw the Mayor's Civic Reception, hosted by Butlins, as Cllr Reynolds year in office, edges to a close.

The Reception was attended by invited guests including fellow Councillors, dignitaries and representatives of various local organisations and charities around the Town. 

Highlights of the evening included an informative introduction to the Mayor's Charity; Arun Angels, a rousing performance from the three-piece band 'Beaten Tracks', the presentations of the Mayor's Good Citizen Award and Citizens Award for Young People to Faz Chatima and Connor Merrick and of course, the awarding of Grant Aid cheques to successful applicants, which saw over £41,000 being put into good causes in and around Bognor Regis.

 A big thank you to everyone who came to support the evening, to the award winners, and of course, our worthy Grant Aid recipients.

Left to right: Mayoress Kim Stone. Mayor Cllr. Stephen Reynolds and Mayor's Cadet OC Ryan Birch

 Left to right: Faz Chatima and Mayor Cllr. Stephen Reynolds

Left to right: Connor Merrick and Mayor Cllr. Stephen Reynolds 


Mayor's Civic Reception - Grant Aid 2018

Each year, recipients of a Town Council Grant Aid Award are invited to attend a civic event at which they are presented with a cheque for the funding amount awarded to them.

The Town Mayor, Councillor Phil Woodall, held a Civic Reception on Friday 23rd March 2018, as his year in office drew near an end. The event was kindly hosted by Butlin’s Bognor Regis Resort with sincere thanks and gratitude paid to Mr Jeremy Pardey, Resort Director. 

As usual, the evening was attended by many invited guests including local organisations, charities and dignitaries. Live music was provided by the thoroughly entertaining and energetic RAFA Club Skiffle Band, with even the Mayor joining in with his tambourine. Guests on the night were hugely supportive of the Mayor’s charities: Alzheimer’s Society and Epilepsy Action, by purchasing raffle tickets for some top prizes, including an annual family pass to Butlin's. The raffle raised over £280.00 and thanks go to all those who donated the prizes.

The highlight of the evening was the presentation of cheques, amounting to just over £35,000 to over twenty local organisations that had successfully applied for a Grant Aid Award from Bognor Regis Town Council. This money will provide funding for a huge range of requirements that will enable these groups and organisations to continue delivering the vital services, and exciting events and opportunities, to the residents of Bognor Regis and the surrounding area.



L to R: Mr. S. Hearn (Mayor’s Consort), Mrs J. Smith (Town Crier), Cllr. P. Woodall (Mayor) and Cadet 1st Class Jack Golding (Mayor’s Cadet)


recipients of the 2017 grant aid awards

Recipients of Grant Aid Awards for 2018 as presented by the Mayor, Cllr. P. Woodall (centre)