Funding awarded to Bognorphenia and Bognor Regis Youth & Community Centre
Published: 09 February 2024

On Thursday, the Mayor made further cheque presentations, on behalf of the Town Council, to Bognorphenia CIC and the Bognor Regis Youth & Community Centre.
Both made successful applications through the Environmental and Leisure Committee’s ‘Youth and Young Persons’ budget, with Bognorphenia receiving £2,500 and the Bognor Regis Youth & Community Centre awarded funding of £3,000.
Kerrie Bridger, who received the cheques on behalf of both youth organisations said:
“Thank you to Bognor Regis Town Council! The youth funding is a real help and a great example of positive community support in these hard times.
This will really help to continue the youth projects we provide, and the young people were very excited to meet the Mayor and being involved in accepting the cheque. Thank you for the opportunity to progress further.
In our first year we have reached 1000 young people within the variety of projects we have held so far. Long may it continue!”
For further information on the work of the youth organisations, visit their websites:
Bognor Regis Youth & Community Centre -