Great Big Green Week 2022

Published: 21 September 2022

The Great Big Green Week is back, running from 24th September until 2nd October! This Nationwide initiative is the UK's biggest EVER celebration of community action to tackle Climate Change and protect nature, and we want you to get involved in 'cleaning up our Town'! 

The Bognor Regis in Bloom Working Group are working in partnership with the Town Council's Climate Emergency Focus Group in the organising of three litter picks, around Bognor Regis on Wednesday 28th & Thursday 29th September and Saturday 1st October. 

Focusing on the Bognor Regis train station and the seafront areas, why not come along, even just for an hour, and play your part in making Bognor Regis a little 'Greener', whilst also having the opportunity to pose your questions to one of your Town Councillors, who will be joining in the litter pick. 

 To register and for further information, please email: