West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service Community Risk Management Plan Consultation

Published: 27 June 2016

West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service (WSFRS) is seeking the views of partners and the wider community on its draft Community Risk Management Plan 2016-20.

The Fire & Rescue Service has a statutory duty to consult on, and publish, a 3-5yr ‘Integrated Risk Management Plan’ (IRMP). This is an analysis of the current and projected risk profile in the county, and how the Fire & Rescue Service is organised to support local communities. We work to achieve this through a combination of prevention, protection and emergency response activities.

WSFRS has been through a significant transformation since its last IRMP was published. In West Sussex, the Fire & Rescue Service now has a much broader role working at the heart of the Communities & Public Protection directorate of West Sussex County Council (WSCC). Firefighters work alongside WSCC colleagues in Public Health, Community Safety, Trading Standards and Resilience & Emergencies to help communities become safer, stronger and more resilient.

To reflect this broader role, the IRMP for 2016-20 is known as the draft WSFRS Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP).

The current WSFRS operating model for emergency response has previously been agreed through the course of three separate public consultations. There are no proposals to change emergency response arrangements in this draft risk management plan. This consultation is to seek the views of the wider community on the WSFRS analysis of risks and its approach to risk management planning.

The draft Community Risk Management Plan should be read in context with the latest WSFRS performance data and the WSFRS Annual Report and Statement of Assurance.

The consultation closes on Friday 5th August. A report on the consultation feedback will be presented to the WSCC Environment & Community Services Select Committee on 15th September.

After considering the report and listening to the views of the Select Committee, the WSCC Cabinet Member for Residents Services will make a formal decision whether to adopt and publish the WSFRS Community Risk Management Plan 2016-20.

You can submit your views by completing the questionnaire and/or by:

Email: yourfireservice@westsussex.gov.uk

In writing:
CRMP public consultation
Communications Team
West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service
West Sussex
PO19 1BD

The draft Community Risk Management Plan and all supporting information can be viewed on the Have Your Say page of the West Sussex County Council website: Have Your Say

If you require this information in an alternative format please email yourfireservice@westsussex.gov.uk or phone Claire Byrd 0330 222 5671 or Gary Towson 0330 222 5002

Useful Links: (Draft) Community Risk Management Plan || Performance data || Annual Report || Communities & Public Protection || Questionnaire

Your views are important to us and all feedback will be considered before a decision is taken. Thank you.