The Mayor's Cadets
Published: 11 January 2017
At the Full Council Meeting held on 11th January 2016, Mayor’s Cadets were appointed for the first time in the history of Bognor Regis Town Council. The principle behind the appointments is to give deserving cadets the opportunity to attain the status of Mayor’s Cadet and for them to contribute to civic and community life by attending the Mayor (or Deputy when deputising) at certain civic functions. These are likely to include occasions such as the Civic Service, Remembrance Sunday, and other civic occasions like Twinning celebrations. Nominations are put forward by the Commanding Officers of the Cadet Forces in November, with appointments being made by the Mayor of Bognor Regis at the first Full Council Meeting held each January.
OC Ryan Birch (TS Sir Alec Rose Sea Cadet Unit) and Cpl Fred Worthington (2351 (Bognor Regis) Squadron – Air Training Corps) served the town of Bognor Regis, as Mayor’s Cadets throughout 2016 and were presented with a Certificate of Appreciation at the Meeting.
Cdt 1st Class Jack Golding (TS Sir Alec Rose Sea Cadet Unit) and Cpl Dylan Collier (2351 (Bognor Regis) Squadron – Air Training Corps) were nominated by Lt(SCC) G Edgington MBE RNR and by Flight Lieutenant M Penberthy RAF VR(T), respectively, to serve as Bognor Regis Mayor’s Cadets for 2017. Mayor Pat Dillon presented them both with a certificate and a Mayor’s Cadet badge for their uniform.