Regeneration in Bognor Regis

Published: 01 February 2019

 Please note, this consultation has now closed (22-Feb-2019)

In recent months the Town Council has been receiving comments and complaints about the consultation carried out with local residents by Arun District Council, about the District Council’s plans for the Town and specifically their regeneration plans for the Regis Car Park site and the

Hothamton Car Park site.
The Town Council has therefore decided to contact every property within the six Wards of Bognor Regis to find out what the local community is aware of with regard to regeneration in the Town, and more specifically local opinion about Arun District Council’s plans for the Hothamton Car Park site including the Sunken Gardens. The plans for this area were originally titled “Linear Park” and this is the title used throughout this survey, but more recently it has been decided that any park will be called the “Pavilion Park”.

The survey can be downloaded by clicking HERE