Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Published: 21 May 2018


 Image above courtesy of BBC News

Bognor Regis Town Council are thrilled with the announcement from Kensington Palace that HRH Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle will receive the title Duke and Duchess of Sussex on their wedding day.  Our heartfelt congratulations have been sent to the newlyweds and it is our sincerest hope that the Duke and Duchess will accept an invitation to the Town of Bognor Regis later this year.

Thousands of people came out to join the Town Council at Hotham Park, in Bognor Regis, on Saturday 19th May 2018 to share in the joyous celebrations and watch the wedding ceremony played out live on a screen installed at the park.  With thanks to Neil Cooper images of some of those in attendance at Hotham Park on Saturday can be viewed here

The official Order of Service was also released over the weekend and can be found here