Arun District Council publishes Main Modifications to Arun Local Plan

Published: 16 January 2018

Following on from the Arun Local Plan examination hearings held in September 2017, the Main Modifications to the Plan have been made available for public consultation until 5pm on Friday 23rd February 2018.

The documents, along with details of how to respond, are to be found on Arun District Council's website on the following page:  This includes access to the online portal which offers members of the general public, and other interested parties, the ability to provide comments related to specific modifications to the Plan.  In addition, a representation form can also be downloaded, completed and returned to Arun District Council (either by e-mail or post).

Hard copies of the Modified Local Plan (January 2018), table of Main Modifications and table of Additional Modifications will be made available from all local libraries, Bognor Regis Town Hall and the Arun Civic Centre.

If you have any queries please contact or telephone 01903 737500 and ask for the Planning Policy Team.